Tag Archives: Taxpayer Adovate Rights

Home Ownership: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Part 3

  Another big question coming from many clients regarding the new Act’s effect on their [...]

Denial or Revocation of Passports Impairs Taxpayer Rights

From the Desk of Lauran L. Stevenson Denial or Revocation of Passports Impairs Taxpayer Rights [...]

Tax Planning for the Donald Trump Presidency

From the Desk of Michael T. McCormick Tax Planning for the Donald Trump Presidency After [...]

Taxpayer Bill of Rights: The Right to Retain Representation

From the Desk of Lauran Corcoran Taxpayer Bill of Rights: The Right to Retain Representation [...]

Taxpayer Bill of Rights: The Right to Quality Service

From the Desk of Lauran Corcoran Taxpayer Bill of Rights: The Right to Quality Service [...]