Yearend Tax Tips
I can’t believe that 2014 is coming to a close. An old partner I worked [...]
Tax Information for Students Who Take a Summer Job
Many students take a job in the summer after school lets out. If you are [...]
Warning about tax scams!
It seems like every week I get a notice from IRS in Washington about a [...]
Paying for the Affordable Care Act
With every new Government rule, mandate or law there is a price to be borne [...]
Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare
We have been fielding a ton of questions on the effect of the new Affordable [...]
Deducting Medical Expenses
As tax season gets rolling this year I will share some different topics that many [...]
Organization tips
Well tax season is underway. Our organizer can be found at the resources tab on [...]
Tax Season Kick Off
Tax season officially begins February 1st! Due to the recent changes in federal tax law [...]
Evolving to Meet Your Needs
We take great pleasure in announcing some exciting developments at our firm, designed with the [...]
To the best clients in the world:
Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were terrific. Believe it or not the next [...]
They’re Back! Government and IRS re open
Thanks to the recent agreement the govenrment is now back in business as is the [...]
GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN ALERT: IRS announces it will not issue refunds
The IRS announced today that they will stop sending tax refunds due to the government [...]
How the Government shutdown will affect Taxpayers
The IRS issued an announcement today outlining how the governmental shutdown will affect taxpayers. If [...]
Tax Implications of Same-Sex Marriage
Good news for my same-sex clients that are married. The Treasury Department and IRS have [...]
Simplified Home Office Deduction
Do you work from home? If so, you may be familiar with the home office [...]
Reporting Gambling Winnings at tax time
As summer rolls on many people are enjoying much needed vacations. Many of my clients [...]
Tip Income
I thought an interesting topic on this Friday night would be to touch on the [...]
IRS has finally opened up the floodgates for efiling all returns
The Internal Revenue Service issued the following from Washington today indicating that after a long [...]
Tax Breaks for Parents
Today’s post is addressed to my friends and clients with children. As some of you [...]
Claiming Dependents
Six Important Facts about Dependents and Exemptions While each individual tax return is unique, there [...]